News Tweets
The masses are abandoning the news sources. Talk shows have to proclaim ALL NEW! to distance themselves from reruns. Media has become about shocking and teasers. It will get our attention, but when everyone is doing it, the message becomes so watered down, it becomes hard to decipher the real shockers from the attention grabbers. On the other hand, the news is easily and instantly available through sources like talk shows and social media outlets. Talk shows scrape the surface in the monologues, while social media gives you the option of further inquiry. You can always follow a link at your leisure. It’s amazing how the talk shows are becoming the delivery vehicle for news to a vast majority of people. Or if you really want to know…just look for twitter trending topics, which is simply a measure of what everyone is talking about. We all want acknowledgement of our existence, but the world somehow became about talking to ourselves. We can do it from the privacy of our gadgets anywhere. ...