Visit to the Bermuda Triangle
Bermuda was a blast. The people are super friendly and it looks like everyone knows one another. That is the only way I can explain the hellos while driving, simply by tapping the car horn.
The locals wear unusual attire to an outsider – (the temperature is normally mild to hot) Bermuda shorts with knee-high socks and a jacket are a regular dress for work-wear.
I got my first taste of the local drink – Dark & Stormy, which is a mix of ginger beer that is very tasty on its own and carries a kick to it.
I got a chance to walk in the beautiful pink sand that the island is famous for – regular sand with particles of broken pink reef coral in it and giving it the pink glow.
Standing on the end of the peer and glancing into the crystal-clear waters you will see exotic fish of a multitude of colors going about their business. Even if you don’t look below the water surface, the fish will jump right out as if saying “welcome to my world”.
Same weekend I was there, they had the world ru...